Smart Feedback -
Hardware Platform Features

Real Time Data Acquisition
Event Based
& Streaming Data

Multi Sensor Device
on Air

Connectivity Options
/ Wi Fi

Customizable Firmware
Firmware Upgrades
on Air

Backup Local Storage

Edge Analytics
Edge Machine

Smart Feedback -
Software Platform Features

Device Management
Real Time
Cloud SaaS

Stream Analytics
Historical &
Comparative Reports

Real Time Dashboards
Historical &
Comparative Reports

Alerts & Notifications
Custom Rules

Custom Relevant KPIs

API Integrations
End to End
Voice Tech AI Platform

Voice IOT and Deep Learning on the Edge with Mesh Networking
Gaia’s unique innovative Voice Platform creates an intelligent mesh at the edge and provides contextual intelligence and decision science analytics. It uses IOT and Deep Learning tools to deliver APIs and SDKs for voice based feedback, analytics, and control in low footprint, lightly connected edge devices. This cutting edge innovation addresses the challenges associated with data loss, latency, and round trip time and multi-language capability in cloud based voice tech.
Gaia has defined AI-on-Edge+Cloud strategy to empower edge devices with sensors, enabling voice-activated interactions for users, and connecting edge devices with Gaia's SmartFeedback cloud-based intelligent platform
Finalist Qualcomm Design in India QDIC Challenge II 2017 - for Voice IOT and ML on Edge Devices
Winner Microsoft Research Machine Learning Lab 2018 - for Voice IOT and ML on Constrained Edge Devices