Gaia Events

Date: 03 March 2022
Dr. Sumit Chowdhury spoke at CXO Forum hosted by Department of Information Technology along with Corporate Resource Center of Amity School of Engineering and Technology, Noida on the theme ''Next- Gen Tech- Driving Force of Industry 5.0'' during 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - InCITe 2022.

9th Annual Academic Conclave on the topic ‘Roadmap for Integrating Sustainability in the Infrastructure Sector’ organized by NICMAR
Date: 19 February 2022
Dr. Amrita Chowdhury shared her thoughts on how technology and innovation are change the space - for business, government, and citizens at the 9th Annual Academic Conclave on the topic ‘Roadmap for Integrating Sustainability in the Infrastructure Sector’ will be organized online by National Institute of Construction Management and Research (NICMAR).

IMC EASE OF LIVING CONFERENCE 2022:“Unlocking urban India through citizen participation & empowerment – Making Cities Better Place to live”.
Date: 11 February 2022
Dr. Amrita Chowdhury shared her views on “Direct correlation between Law & order and Ease of Living” at the IMC EASE OF LIVING CONFERENCE 2022:“Unlocking urban India through citizen participation & empowerment – Making Cities Better Place to live”.

ZerO-In Dialogue on Emerging Technologies for Grid-Interactive Net Zero Energy Buildings organized by USAID MAITREE and National Smart Grid Mission
Date: 22 December 2021
Dr. Amrita Chowdhury joined the experts at National Grid and Smart Joules in the ZerO-In Dialogue on Emerging Technologies for Grid-Interactive Net Zero Energy Buildings organized by USAID MAITREE and National Smart Grid Mission

Talk about entrepreneurship and leadership organized by Mindtree
Date: December 2021
Dr. Amrita Chowdhury shared the lessons of leadership to teach others how to pave their path of personal growth.

World Social Innovation Forum event on smart and sustainable cities.
Date: 30 November 2021
Dr. Amrita Chowdhury spoke at the World Social Innovation Forum event on smart and sustainable cities.

Date: 29 September 2021
Dr. Sumit Chowdhury spoke at the GLOBAL ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SUMMIT & AWARDS 2021 at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi.

7th edition of Virtual Conference on 100SmartCitiesIndia2021
Date: 26 August 2022
Dr. Sumit Chowdhury moderated the 7th edition of Virtual Conference on 100SmartCitiesIndia2021.

Women in STEM 2021
Date: July 2021
Dr. Amrita Chowdhury shared her thoughts at Women in STEM 2021 organized by CII.

Dynamic CIO LinkedIn Live : “Rewards And Perils of Entrepreneurship”
Date: 14 July 2021
Dr. Sumit D. Chowdhury shared his views on the “Rewards And Perils of Entrepreneurship” organized by Dynamic CIO.

Interview at IIT Kanpur: Destiny of Her Own
Date: July 21
Dr. Amrita Chowdhury, an alumna of Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, talks about her IITK days, role of research in corporate sector, on being an author, gender gap, and much more in the interview organized by Outreach Cell, IIT Kanpur.

The Economic Times Smart Manufacturing Summit
Date: 18 June 2021
Dr. Sumit D. Chowdhury shared his thoughts on "DIGITALIZATION” – key to unlock tangible Business Outcomes at The Economic Times Smart Manufacturing Summit

European Union Smart Cities Marketplace Forum
Date: 09 June 2021
Dr. Sumit Chowdhury spoke on Digital Twins and how there is still a need to model our living environment at the European Union Smart Cities Marketplace Forum - a Partner event of the EU Green Week.

COMEX: Oman’s Official Technology Show 2021
Date: 08 June 2021
Dr. Sumit Chowdhury participated in the session on“AI in Smart cities” in Oman at COMEX: Oman’s Official Technology Show 2021

The International Society for Organization Development and Change (ISODC) Annual International Conference & Information Exchange 2021,
Date: 25 May 2021
Dr. Amrita Chowdhury hosted the India Panel on all the 3 days of the conference, on diverse topics in the field of OD research and trend in India.

CMU Alumni Mumbai Network: Transforming India – Building Smart Cities
Date: 18 April 2021
Dr. Amrita Chowdhury shared her thoughts on building smart cities with the CMU Alumni Mumbai Network.

IMC India Calling Conference 2021
Date: 12 March 2021
Dr. Amrita Chowdhury spoke on IMC India Calling Conference 2021 which focussed on two sectors: Smart Infrastructure & Green Technology - Mobility & Sustainability.

RAISE 2020, a global summit on Artificial Intelligence being organised by the Government of India
Date: 09 October 2020
Dr. Sumit Chowdhury spoke at the RAISE 2020, a global summit on Artificial Intelligence being organised by the Government of India from October 5 – 9, 2020. The summit was inaugurated by the Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi on October 5th. The summit has 40+ Sessions on contemporary topics on AI. It will see participation of AI experts, domain experts, practitioners, policy makers, thought leaders, research scholars, start-ups, and young minds across the globe.

Gaia partners with ASSOCHAM for Smartec Initiative India 2020 Exhibition
Date: 25 September 2020
Gaia partnered with ASSOCHAM (The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India) for #SmartecIndia2020, a virtual exhibition and dialogue for smart city technologies and the path ahead for smart cities in India.

Interview with
Date: September 2020
Dr. Amrita Chowdhury discussed about the main challenges in smart city deployments and how are industrial automation projects leveraging on IoT.

Interview with India Today: "Commandments of Driving Digital forward".
Date: September 2020
Dr. Amrita Chowdhury shared het thoughts on the "Commandments of Driving Digital forward" at India Today Aspire.

Interview with Industrial Automation Magazine: Smart City Eco-system
Date: August 2020
Amrita Chowdhury, Co-founder and Director of Gaia Smart Cities, a technology firm providing AI-IoT enterprise SaaS solutions for smart sites, smart workforce, and smart workflow management shares her views on Smart city Eco-system with Industrial Automation Magazine.

Founding Fuel: Taking a Quantum Leap to Careers in Science
Date: August 2020
Shoumik Chowdhury and Dr. Amrita Chowdhury delved into topics around the scope of deep tech; what it takes to build successul careers in fronteir science, and what parents can do to help prepare children for the arduous journey ahead.

IET Smart Cities Podcast Series
Date: June 2020
Dr. Amrita Chowdhury joined V Srinivasa Rao (VSR), JVS Ramakrishna and Sunil David to discuss how to further leverage emerging technologies to ensure smarter, secure and sustainable cities, towns and villages in the era of digitalisation and 4th Industrial Revolution.

YottaCIOMasterclass: ‘Lead amidst Uncertainty’
Date: 05 June 2020
Dr. Sumit Chowdhury spoke at the YottaCIOMasterclass on ‘Lead amidst Uncertainty’ on how Leonardo Da Vinci - one of the greatest genius of all times - developed his vast array of skills over his lifetime and how we can apply his skills to embrace ambiguity and uncertainty to lead in this global crisis.

STIMULUS 2020 - 'Taking action in uncertainty: Luxury & Conscience'
Date: 13 April 2020
Dr. Sumit Chowdhury shared his views at STIMULUS 2020 - 'Taking action in uncertainty: Luxury & Conscience'.

Founding Fuel Masterclass on Navigating the Great Indian Slowdown
Date: 24 February 2020
Dr. Sumit Chowdhury spoek at Founding Fuel Masterclass on Navigating the Great Indian Slowdown. The discussion delved into the economic and business scenario due to the global pandemic and the national lockdown.

CII & Magicka: Smart Women Entrepreneurship
Date: 2020
Dr. Amrita Chowdhury spoke at on Smart Women Entrepreneurship organized by CII and Magicka

Art and Science of Cyber Defence
Date: 2019
Dr. Sumit D. Chowdhury delivering a session on the theme: “Art and Science of Cyber Defence” taking cue from the Italian words used by Leonardo Da Vinci “ARTESCIENZA” which means Art and Science and “CONNEXIONS” which means connections.

CII Digitizing India Summit 2019
Date: 10 April 2019
Dr. Amrita Chowdhury delivered the keynote on "Emerging Trends in IOT and Analytics across Industries" at CII Digitizing India Summit 2019

Nasscom Emerge50 Awards 2019
Date: November 2019
Gaia Smart Cities won the Emerge50 Award by Nasscom, the highest award for a Software Product company in India.

4TH World Meeting Big Data & Artificial Intelligence – EMBDATA
Date: 19 June 2019
Dr. Sumit Chowdhury spoke at the 4th World Meeting Big Data & Artificial Intelligence – EMBDATA It's the biggest disruptive technology event in Latin America. Bogota, Columbia.

AI Economic Summit 2019
Date: 05 March 2019
Dr. Sumit Chowdhury joined the conversation on the convergence of AI and IoT, moderated by Anchal Arora and attendend by Samit Datta, Arjun Maheswaran, Prasanna Lohar, Siddhartha S.

Reinventing Delhi
Date: 20 February 2019
Platforms like OneM2M, OGD platform of India enable data sharing and ease interdepartmental coordination and making services better explains Bipin Pradeep Kumar, Co-founder.

CIO Live Innovation Summit
Date: 26 October 2018
Sumit Chowdhury, CEO Gaia Smart Cities spoke at the DynamicCIO iLIVE Summit 2018 in Mumbai on the possibilities of bringing #humans #machine and the #environment together to talk to each other to aid decision making.

UAE India Economic Forum
Date: 25 October 2018
Our CEO, Sumit Dutta Chowdhury speaking at 4th Edition UAE - India Economic Forum

TiE Smart Cities
Date: 10 August 2018
CEO Sumit Dutta Chowdhury speaking at the #DigitalCities session presented by #TiESmartCities in New Delhi on 10th August

AI & IOT Summit
Date: 14 June 2018
AI and IOT for business & societal impact through analytics and connected ecosystems

Smart Feedback workshop for MP
Date: 2 May 2018
Discussed SmartFeedback for Governance Monitoring with cities in state-wide workshop in MP. Saw roaring success stories of improvement in service quality & cleanliness in cities after adoption of Gaia’s SmartFeedback system.

TiE Bangalore, IoTNext
Date: 7 November 2017
Panel Discussion on Exploring Public and Personal Spaces

CIO Productivity Conclave
Date: 27 October 2017
Prashun Dutta, from Gaia Smart Cities, speaking at the CIO Productivity Conclave Innovation Panel

TMForum Smart City in Focus
Date: 21 September 2017
Gaia Smart Cities Proud to sign the city platform Manifesto for the global smart city community today with 50 cities and ecosystem partners

Outstanding Speaker’s Bureau
Date: 20 September 2017
Sumit Chowdhury on the panel discussing the business perspective of life in the City Of Tomorrow

BW CIO World
Date: 20 July 2017
Gaia at the panel discussion on “Is your #Digital plan working?”

Unlocking Opportunities in Smart Cities
Date: 27-29 June 2017
3-day intensive training program on “Unlocking opportunities in smart cities”

Data Science Congress
Date: 6 June 2017
Sumit Chowdhury from Gaia Smart Cities talks about Why Bother About Smart Data

Vodafone IOT Event
Date: 26 May 2017
Sumit Chowdhury speaking at the Vodafone IN's Internet of Things _ New Age Digital Opportunities event

SWAN Forum
Date: 10 May 2017
“Embrace the evolution. Open data is key to faster delivery of services and solutions." - Bipin Pradeep Kumar, Gaia Smart Cities
Gaia Blogs

Leveraging Customer Feedback in the Hospitality Industry
Tourism and hospitality sector in India accounts for 7.5% of the GDP & is the 3rd largest foreign exchange earner for the country.It accounted for 8% of the total employment opportunity in India in 2017. And is all set to rise greater heights – thanks to the newer businesses leading to more and frequent business travels, and the rising purchasing power of the Indian middle class that has aided the exponential growth of leisure tourism. Newer trends such as solo-tripping, adventure tourism, medical tourism, and increase in foreign tourists are contributing to the sector’s growth. On one hand where the demand is rising sharply, there has been a similar increase on the supply side, owing to many new boutique, leisure, business and budget hotels opening up, and expansion of existing hotel chains so much so that the hotel rooms inventory has been witnessing ..
SmartFeedback and 'Nudging' Govt and citizens towards better public services - The Nobel effect
This year's Nobel prize for Economics was awarded to Professor Richard Thaler for his work in moving economics toward a more realistic understanding of human behaviour and for using the resulting insights to improve public policies.

Role of Technology in Managing Water Supply and Consumption in India
Water is a critical scarce resource in India and will dwindle further

100 Indian Smart Cities will create 100K jobs requiring new skills. Are you trained and ready to unlock opportunities?
All over the world we hear about doom and gloom of job losses. The opportunity spaces have changed. AI, Machine Learning, IoT Integrated Systems, Intuitive UI and engaging content is ..

Systems Thinking: The 'Smart' Of Smart Cities By Prasun Dutta & Dr. Sumit D Chowdhury, Gaia Smart Cities
The peripatetic human race has been migrating into urban centres since the beginning of civilisation. Earlier trading hubs and governmental offices formed the kernel...

A first for Smart Water Metering in India
2 weeks ago we we set up the first LoRa powered Ultrasonic Smart Water metering platform for a Township at ELCITA (Electronic City Industrial Township Authority).This was in collaboration with TCL and ELCITA, and supported by a host of institutions - Semtech, Tejas and RBC-CPS particularly. We encountered several challenges along the way connectivity challenges, water seepage challenges..

Piecing the “Smart City” Puzzle
Integrative Thinking for winning business & creating impact The Smart Cities Mission, as envisioned by the Ministry of Urban Development, has been underpinned by ideas of Design Thinking and Systems Thinking – to bring a new, innovative, interlinked way of approaching the planning and implementation of urban development. Cities have always been epicenters where people congregate

Smart Cities Mission in India: Vision and Challenges
The term “smart cities” evokes a futuristic vision of a shining high density megalopolis, fully digitally enabled with city services managed on the cloud, green energy supply and multi-modal transportation complete with driverless cars, electric public transport and last mile rapid transit pods. Certainly, Barcelona has drawn attention with its smart planning and deployment of technology.

Technology allows cities to measure quality of public services delivery
In the “reform, perform, inform” regime of the current government of India, the central administration places a lot of importance on measuring the impact and quality of public services being delivered.

The Role of Water in India's Smart Cities
Water is predicted to become a key part of India’s Smart Cities initiative. This article looks at how Smart Water Networks (SWN) can be developed to help advance the water sector, including to reduce an average non-revenue water (NRW) rate of 60%.

The Third World War Will be About Water
The World Economic Forum had in 2015 determined Water Crises as a bigger global risk, having more likelihood and bigger impact than any other, including Weapons of Mass Destruction, Spread of Infectious Diseases, or even Terrorist Attacks.

Smart Cities in China: A Short Visit to YinChuan
The invitation to attend a TM Forum Conference on Smart Cities in Yinchuan in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region of China was not something I was going to skip. As an enthusiast and evangelist of Smart Cities across the world, I had heard about the $300 Billion that China had already spent on building these cities..
How Technology can help achieve the Vision of Developed India
‘The vision is great, and the tools are “anek” ’ This was evident from the inspiring speech of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, at the Independence Day ceremony from ramparts of Red Fort.Attributing the progress made so far to the hard work of ‘Team India’, the Prime Minister highlighted facets of improvement for development of the nation.Progress is, indeed, the result of multiple factors, and efforts made through various tools – including policy, guidelines, processes, systems, technology and above all human behavior.

Smart Cities – Agglomeration of glass façades or Revamp of urban heritage?
Smart cities is the buzz word, and pictures of high-rise sophisticated buildings with technological advancement and automation throng papers and magazines all around. This is being portrayed as the vision of every nation, including India. But have you given it a thought, is it actually all going to look like that?
On Smart Cities - Turning Vision into Reality
Most civilizations in history have established their hallmarks of urban planning and/or architecture. Harappa for example, where their most striking feature is the Town planning with excellent drainage and sanitation systems. Then there are the Mayas who were influenced by astrology, cosmology and geomancy; similarly the Egyptians, the Teotihuacan, etc. And many others who adapted to the environment, culture and topography; all left their respective legacies in urban planning representing the best of knowledge
What is Digital India?
Digital India is a set of 9 major agendas/programs that the Government has identified to execute under one umbrella.

Smart Cities: A Journey, Not a Destination
Smartness is not a destination. It is not a "certificate" that you will get at the end of project or a series of projects that will declare that you as "SMART". Cities don't become smart because they got an allocation of funding from the "Smart Cities Fund" from some country. They do not become smart because they happen to be one of the '100' cities.